Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is caused by a complication in your inner ear. Small calcium stones exist in your inner ear canals to aid in balance. When these stones are displaced due to head trauma, you may experience severe dizziness or vertigo. The precise cause of this displacement is not always known. Vertigo is a spinning, whirling, or turning sensation. Those suffering from vertigo frequently experience the sensation that the room is moving or spinning, and they may lose their balance and have difficulty standing or walking. Changes in head position are the most common cause of BPPV. The severity of the disorder varies; some people only experience mild symptoms, while others may experience more severe, even debilitating symptoms. Non-invasive methods such as canalith repositioning maneuvers can easily and effectively treat the majority of affected individuals. However, BPPV can reoccur even after successful treatment. BBPV is difficult to treat because symptoms come and go, with some episodes lasting less than a minuteBenign paroxysmal positional vertigo can sometimes resolve on its own. If not, you may require professional medical attention to alleviate your symptoms. To protect your health and your injury claim, always see a doctor after an accident to diagnose your vertigo.
Because more calcium can become dislodged, recurrences are possible. The treatment maneuvers return the calcium particles to the main vestibule, where they originated, and vertigo goes away. It is not uncommon to experience mild to severe BPPV following a car accident. If you or someone you love was injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence and you now suffer from BPPV, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses and other losses. Consult with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers at DeFrancisco & Falgiatano to see if a fair settlement is possible. We help clients throughout Upstate New York, with offices in multiple convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the personal injury field is reflected in the results we have achieved for our clients.
Since the late 1800s, BPPV has been recognized as a clinical entity. The term “benign” refers to a disorder that does not progress and is not considered serious. Despite its benign label, BPPV can disrupt a person’s daily activities and negatively impact their quality of life. The symptoms can be extremely upsetting. Ordinary movements such as turning on one’s side, lying down, looking up, stooping, or bending over can frequently trigger an episode. When people get out of bed and try to walk, they may fall out of bed or lose their balance. They may fall if they tilt their heads back or forward while walking, risking injury. Vertigo can make a person feel ill, causing nausea and vomiting. While vertigo is the hallmark of BPPV, many people with the condition also experience mild unsteadiness in between attacks of positional vertigo.