New York law imposes extensive regulatory requirements on medical professionals to help ensure that patients are receiving high-quality care. These safeguards are not always effective to prevent New York medical malpractice, and recent news reports show that doctors are performing unlicensed buttock-enhancement surgery. The silicone injection products are not FDA-approved, and the doctors are not qualified to perform the procedure. The consequences have included deformation, amputation, and even death.A New York woman seeking buttock-enhancement surgery met with a doctor in a local donut shop. The doctor then had the patient wait inside the donut shop until a “nurse” came to meet her and bring her to an apartment for silicone injections. The woman received the silicone injections in her buttocks and hips. She called 911 on the night following the procedure, reporting that she felt dizziness and chest pains. She was rushed to the hospital and slipped into a coma, after which she was later pronounced brain-dead. She was taken off life support a short time later. It’s possible that the injection was made into a blood vein, and as a result, the silicone entered her blood stream, where it passed to her heart and brain.
New York law enforcement searched the apartment where the procedure was performed. They found surgical supplies and drugs used to numb skin. The family of the deceased woman filed a lawsuit against the doctor, and it’s likely that criminal charges will also be brought against the doctor. In fact, an unlicensed Florida doctor was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison following a similarly botched procedure.