People often seek chiropractic treatment to help with chronic neck or back pain. Chiropractors are credentialed differently from medical doctors and are regulated by a different New York licensing body, but they are still required to perform their treatments under a standard of care. The appeals court in a New…
Syracuse Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Surgery Double-Booking Investigation Underscores Potential for New York Medical Malpractice Claims
Patients are required to put a tremendous amount of trust into their physicians, who perform highly specialized procedures with the potential for tremendous risk. Unless told otherwise, most patients probably assume their surgeon is giving them their undivided attention during an operation. As recent regulatory scrutiny shows, however, the practice…
Medical Malpractice Mandatory Arbitration Clause Case Denied Review by United States Supreme Court
Mandatory arbitration provisions in contracts are becoming increasingly common. The United States Supreme Court has viewed them favorably. Most notably, the landmark decision AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion held that the Federal Arbitration Act of 1925 preempts other laws that restrict companies from requiring customers to rely on mandatory arbitration. Medical practices…
Appeals Court Expounds on Expert Net Opinion Rule in Medical Malpractice Decision
Medical malpractice cases rely heavily on expert medical opinions because negligence is established by the breach of a physician’s standard of medical care. Not all expert testimony is admissible at trial, however. Each jurisdiction maintains rules of evidence to guide which sort of expert testimony is admissible. For example, NY…
Boxer Receives $22 Million Medical Malpractice Settlement from New York State
Traumatic brain injuries are sometimes difficult to diagnose because the damage is not visible without scans or X-rays. Timing is a critical component in treating brain injuries. A failure to receive proper care can lead to permanent damage and disability. Sadly, the state inspector general found that the New York…
Appeals Court Rules that Treating Physician’s Negligence Testimony is Inadmissible
Medical malpractice claims generally require the testimony of an expert witness in order to determine negligence and causation. The testifying expert is crucially important to the presentation of a case, in addition to having the requisite medical credentials and experience to opine on the evidence reviewed. A recent appeals court…
Syracuse Fertility Clinic Liable for Medical Malpractice in $7.5 Million Verdict
Many couples deciding that they would like to start a family realize that they need medical professional help to do so. Fertility clinics have grown in number, leading to what some news outlets have called a “fertility boom.” One advantage of using a fertility clinic is that medical professionals can…
New York Medical Malpractice Verdict of $3.1 Million Reduced on Appeal
Defendants who lose medical malpractice cases at trial may have grounds to appeal the jury’s decision. Although the level of an appeals court’s discretion varies, the standard of review often requires a certain level of deference to the jury’s decision, and as a result, studies show that more cases are…
Medical Malpractice Claim Denied for New York Woman with Surgical Camera Lodged in Intestines
A recent court decision highlights the careful distinctions courts make in interpreting the New York medical malpractice statute of limitations. In Leace v. Kohlroser, the plaintiff was treated by a gastroenterologist for Crohn’s disease. She underwent a capsule endoscopy under his care, and he advised her to swallow a capsule…
New York Malpractice Decision Raises Unique Considerations for Psychiatry Cases
A New York appeals court recently decided the case of a teenager who committed suicide on the night he was discharged from the emergency room. The court acknowledged the tragic circumstances of his death but ultimately affirmed the trial court’s decision for the defendants. This case shows the unique evidentiary…