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Incompetent medical care can cause grave and lasting harm, and, unfortunately, it is not uncommon for victims of medical malpractice to succumb to the injuries caused by their healthcare providers. In such cases, their loved ones may be able to pursue claims against the parties responsible for their losses. Only certain people possess the capacity to sue, though, as explained in a recent New York opinion. If you lost a loved one due to the carelessness of a physician, you may be owed damages, and you should confer with a Syracuse medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible.

History of the Case

It is reported that the plaintiff, acting as a proposed administrator of the decedent’s estate, initiated an action asserting claims of medical malpractice, negligence, and wrongful death after the decedent passed away in January 2022. The initial action was filed in December 2022 by the plaintiff in her capacity as the “proposed administratrix” of the decedent’s estate. However, the defendant successfully moved to dismiss the action in September 2023, arguing that the plaintiff lacked the legal capacity to sue, as she had not yet obtained the necessary letters of administration from the Surrogate’s Court.

It is alleged that the dismissal was without prejudice. In February 2024, the plaintiff filed a new summons and complaint, attempting to revive the claims under CPLR 205(a), which allows for refiling within six months of a dismissal not based on the merits. However, the plaintiff had still not obtained the letters of administration, and the defendant again moved to dismiss the action on the grounds that the plaintiff lacked the legal capacity to sue. Continue Reading ›

People harmed by careless doctors and nurses will often seek damages via medical malpractice claims. In addition to claims against the provider that directly caused their losses, they may also be able to pursue claims, like negligent hiring and supervision, against the provider’s employer. In order to sustain such causes of action, however, they must show that the employer either knew or should have known that the healthcare provider they employed posed a risk of harm to patients, as explained in a recent New York case. If you were hurt by a doctor, it is in your best interest to speak to a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer about your rights.

Factual and Procedural Background

It is alleged that the decedent passed away on November 14, 2024. The plaintiff, the decedent’s husband, subsequently initiated an action against the defendant, a medical center, in May 2017. The plaintiff, acting as the administrator of his late wife’s estate and the natural father and guardian of their minor child, brought claims for medical malpractice, wrongful death, negligent hiring, and retention and sought damages for loss of consortium on his own behalf and loss of parental guidance on behalf of his child.

It is reported that the defendant moved to dismiss the complaint under CPLR 3211(a)(5) and (7), arguing that the claims for medical malpractice and wrongful death were time-barred and the remaining claims failed to state a valid cause of action. The trial court granted the order and entered a judgment dismissing the plaintiff’s complaint. The plaintiff appealed the dismissal of the claims for negligent hiring and retention and loss of consortium. Continue Reading ›

Expert testimony is a key component of medical malpractice cases and is often needed to demonstrate negligence and causation. While experts must meet certain qualifications, they do not have to be specialists in the field about which they are testifying but can show their credentials via training and experience, as shown in a recent New York case.   If you were harmed because of the carelessness of a doctor, you should talk to a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer regarding your potential claims.

Factual Setting and Procedural History

It is reported that the decedent visited an urgent care clinic operated by the defendant facility, complaining of intermittent joint pain in her upper extremities over the past three days. The decedent, who had a history of high blood pressure and thyroid disease, was examined by the defendant physician at the defendant facility, who referred her to a rheumatologist. On September 11, 2014, the decedent visited her long-time physician, the defendant allergist. She complained of not feeling well for two weeks, including a burning sensation in her arms, hot flashes, and weakness. The defendant physician had been managing her conditions with medication and ordered blood tests.

Allegedly, hours after this visit, the decedent suffered a fatal heart attack. An autopsy determined that the cause of death was arteriosclerotic heart disease with thrombosis of the right coronary artery and myocardial infarction. The plaintiff filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the defendants. Following discovery, the defendants moved for summary judgment, arguing they adhered to good medical practice and that any alleged departure did not cause the decedent’s death. The trial granted the defendants’ motions for summary judgment, dismissing the causes of action for medical malpractice and wrongful death. The plaintiff then appealed the decision. Continue Reading ›

Heart conditions often cause critical health issues that require surgery. It is not uncommon for patients to develop complications following such procedures, and therefore, it is crucial that they are thoroughly and regularly assessed during their recovery period. If they are not and subsequently encounter significant difficulties, their provider may be deemed negligent. In a recent case, a New York court discussed liability for post-surgical complications and the evidence needed to demonstrate a triable issue of fact. If you were hurt by negligent medical care, it is smart to meet with a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible.

Facts and Procedure of the Case

It is reported that the decedent, a 50-year-old woman, was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and underwent a septal myectomy, an elective open-heart surgery, in June 2014. Following the surgery, she was placed in the Cardiac Care Unit and was treated with Heparin and a pneumatic sequential compression device to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Over the next few days, the decedent exhibited symptoms of DVT, but her vital signs remained within normal limits.

It is alleged that five days after her surgery, the decedent’s condition suddenly deteriorated, and she went into cardiac arrest twice. Despite resuscitation efforts, she was pronounced dead. An autopsy later revealed that the cause of death was an acute pulmonary embolism. The plaintiff filed a lawsuit alleging that the defendants committed medical malpractice. The defendants moved for summary judgment, asserting that they had met the standard of care and that any deviation from the standard was not the proximate cause of death. The plaintiff opposed the motion. Continue Reading ›

Discovery is a key component of demonstrating fault and damages in medical malpractice cases. Additionally, defendants rely on discovery to help them mount defenses to the claims against them. As such, the courts do not look kindly on a party’s refusal to comply with discovery requests and may, in fact, issue judgments as a matter of law against such parties, as demonstrated in a recent New York medical malpractice case. If you were harmed by the carelessness of a doctor, it is wise to confer with a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer about your possible claims.

Factual Background and Procedural Setting

Reportedly, in June 2016, the plaintiff initiated an action against the defendant to recover damages for medical malpractice and lack of informed consent related to an MRI scan conducted in 2015. The plaintiff was required, pursuant to a July 2019 order, to provide certain authorizations by July 2019 and to file a note of issue by January 2020. The plaintiff failed to meet these requirements. In June 2022, the defendant served the plaintiff with a 90-day notice under CPLR 3216.

Allegedly, the plaintiff subsequently moved to extend the time to file a note of issue in July 2022. The defendant opposed this motion and cross-moved to strike the complaint based on the plaintiff’s repeated failure to comply with discovery demands and court orders. In September 2022, the trial court granted the defendant’s cross-motion and denied the plaintiff’s motion. The plaintiff appealed this decision.  Continue Reading ›

It is not uncommon for people who receive incompetent medical care to suffer complications that negatively impact their health, mental and emotional well-being, and financial security. Fortunately, the law affords victims of medical negligence the right to pursue claims against the healthcare providers responsible for their harm. Any action they institute must be commenced within the time frame proscribed by law. If it is not, it may be dismissed, regardless of the sufficiency of their evidence, as demonstrated in a recent New York case. If you sustained losses due to reckless medical care, it is in your best interest to consult a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible to avoid waiving your right to recover damages.

Factual and Procedural History

It is alleged that the plaintiff, a former employee of a healthcare provider, initiated a lawsuit against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). The plaintiff alleged that she suffered from various medical conditions due to negligent medical care provided by her employer, a federally supported health center. During her employment, she was aware that the United States would defend and indemnify her if she were named as a defendant in a lawsuit.

Reportedly, after exhausting administrative remedies, the plaintiff filed her claim in federal court. The United States moved for summary judgment, arguing that the plaintiff’s claim was time-barred under 28 U.S.C. § 2401(b) because it was not filed within the required two-year period from the date the claim accrued. Continue Reading ›

While it is not uncommon for people in nursing home facilities to suffer harm due to incompetent medical care, it is rare for the parties responsible for causing such injuries to admit fault. As such, a plaintiff pursuing medical malpractice claims against such entities will typically need to retain an expert to explain the standard of care and the manner in which the defendant breached the standard. While only certain people are qualified to testify as experts, that does not necessarily mean that people outside of the defendant’s practice area lack the knowledge needed to offer an expert opinion, as demonstrated in a recent New York ruling. If you sustained injuries due to medical negligence, it is wise to confer with a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer about your rights.

Procedural and Factual History

It is alleged that the decedent, who was a resident at the defendant’s nursing home, fell and suffered injuries. The plaintiff subsequently filed a lawsuit against the defendant, alleging both medical malpractice and ordinary negligence. Among other things, the plaintiff argued that the defendant failed to adhere to the standard of care required for high-risk elderly patients with dementia.

It is reported that the defendant moved for summary judgment, presenting an affirmation from a medical doctor specializing in geriatric medicine, asserting that the defendant complied with the applicable standard of care. The trial court granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the complaint. The court dismissed the plaintiff’s claims by categorizing them as solely medical malpractice claims, and disregarded the plaintiff’s nursing expert’s opinion due to the fact that she was not a medical doctor. The plaintiff appealed the judgment and the order. Continue Reading ›

People who suffer losses following incompetent medical care will often seek damages from their healthcare providers. In order to recover compensation, though, they must establish proximate cause, which means that they must connect the inadequate care in question to their ultimate harm. In a recent new York medical malpractice opinion, the court discussed what evidence is needed to meet this burden of proof. If you were hurt by a careless doctor, you may be owed damages, and you should talk to a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer.

Factual and Procedural History

It is alleged that the plaintiff initiated a medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuit against the defendant physician, among others, alleging negligence in the treatment of the decedent, who died by suicide. The defendant had treated the decedent in the days and weeks preceding the death, including an office visit on the day of the death. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant deviated from the standard of care by not referring the decedent to the emergency room the day before their death.

Reportedly, a jury found the defendant’s actions were a substantial factor in causing the death and awarded the plaintiff almost $10 million in damages. The defendant then filed a motion to set aside the verdict on the grounds of both the departure from the standard of care and proximate cause, seeking judgment as a matter of law to dismiss the complaint against him. Alternatively, the defendant requested a new trial on liability and damages. The trial court granted the motion concerning proximate cause, concluding that the evidence did not sufficiently establish a link between the defendant’s actions and the death, and dismissed the complaint against the defendant. The plaintiff appealed. Continue Reading ›

Surgical procedures can offer relief for many chronic and acute conditions. If a doctor does not exercise due care when performing a surgery, though, they may inadvertently cause a patient harm, and may be liable for medical malpractice. In some cases, the hospital or healthcare system that employs the doctor may be responsible as well. As discussed in a recent New York opinion delivered in a medical malpractice case, plaintiffs are generally permitted to pursue discovery of a  hospital system’s procedures for vetting doctors that harm patients, as it may be critical to their claims. If you were harmed by a reckless physician, it is wise to meet with a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer to discuss your rights.

Factual and Procedural Background

It is reported that the plaintiff filed a medical malpractice action alleging that the defendant surgeon negligently performed a laparoscopic surgery that resulted in perforation of the decedent’s bowel. The surgery occurred at a hospital that was part of the healthcare network of the defendant’s healthcare system. The plaintiff argued that the defendant’s healthcare system failed to establish reasonable procedures for reviewing the defendant’s surgeon’s qualifications before granting him privileges to perform surgeries.

Allegedly, The plaintiff and the decedent, before her passing, moved to compel Kaleida Health to produce a representative knowledgeable about prior incidents involving injuries to patients from surgeries performed by the defendant surgeon. Defendants cross-moved for a protective order. The court granted the plaintiff’s motion and the defendants appealed. Continue Reading ›

Medical malpractice cases typically involve disputes over whether a healthcare provider caused their patients harm. In most cases, both parties will provide expert reports in support of their positions. If a court finds that both parties’ experts offered sound opinions based on facts of record, it is unlikely that the courts will find that one party should prevail, as a matter of law. This was demonstrated in a recent New York medical malpractice ruling, in which the court denied the defendant’s motion for summary judgment. If you have questions about whether you may be able to recover compensation in a lawsuit against a doctor who caused you harm, you should talk to a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer.

History of the Case

It is alleged that the defendant’s doctors performed a knee replacement surgery and a subsequent skin graft procedure on the plaintiff. The plaintiff experienced complications following the procedures and filed medical malpractice claims against the defendants. The defendants then moved for summary judgment, arguing that the plaintiff could not establish the defendants were negligent and such negligence caused her harm. The court denied the defendants’ motion, however, after which the defendants appealed.

Demonstrating Factual Disputes in Medical Malpractice Cases

Upon review, the court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The court, while acknowledging the defendants’ prima facie entitlement to summary judgment, found that the plaintiff’s experts raised genuine issues of fact regarding the defendants’ alleged negligence. Continue Reading ›

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